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Jan 20, 20233 min read
Open Carry Restrictions in the State of Michigan
Michigan has some of the craziest gun laws. This post breaks down some of the off limit areas for those who openly carry their firearm....

Sep 9, 20222 min read
Carry a Concealed Pistol WITHOUT a CPL
Mr. Smith: I don't have a concealed pistol license, can I still carry a concealed pistol? Mr. Wesson: Yes, but in very limited...

Sep 2, 20224 min read
ATF or Federal Agents at my Door! What do I do?
Hello everyone my name is Joseph Radzwion IV, Your Trusted Attorney with Radzwion Law, PLLC, and in this post we are answering a question...

Aug 26, 20224 min read
Will Michigan Become a Constitutional Carry State?
Below is an article I wrote for the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network ("Network"). The Network is a group that is pro-second...

Aug 19, 20222 min read
Can Active Military get a CPL Under the Age of 21?
If you are in the military, know someone in the military, or in an a reserve unit, this post is for you. We are talking about the...

Aug 12, 20222 min read
Crimes that Prevent a Citizen from Obtaining CPL
So You are ready to apply for Concealed pistol license, but you don’t know if something in your past will prevent you from obtaining the...

Aug 5, 20223 min read
If you carry a pistol in your vehicle, You need to consider this.
Having a lock box in your car is a MUST if you carry or transport a pistol. This post we will be looking at a piece of gear that will...

Jul 26, 20222 min read
Terrible Sayings Tuesday: I'll Fire a Warning Shot. Good or Bad?
Watch this weeks video to hear a terrible saying people use that is just not wise. Below the video is the Michigan Self Defense Act that...

Jul 25, 20221 min read
Follow-up: Pictures from the Second Amendment Challenge on the 4th of July
There were a few bold men willing to publicly stand for the second amendment this Fourth of July. Here are some personal photo's that...

Jul 22, 20222 min read
CPL Application Rejected || Crimes that Prohibit a Citizen from Obtaining CPL || Court Order
So You are ready to apply for Concealed pistol license, but you don’t know if something in your past will prevent you from obtaining the...

Jul 19, 20222 min read
Terrible Sayings Tuesday: You Should have Shot them in the leg. Really?
Watch this weeks video to hear if "Aim for the Legs" is a terrible saying people use to describe how they would handle a self defense...

Jul 15, 20222 min read
What is a CCW? and why do People Still use it?
Mr. Smith: I took my CCW class so I can carry my pistol concealed! Mr. Wesson: You know CCW is a felony here in Michigan, not a carry...

Jul 12, 20222 min read
Terrible Sayings Tuesday: If You Pull your Gun, You'll have to use it! Good or Bad Idea?
Watch this weeks video to hear a terrible saying people use that is just not wise. Below the video is the Michigan Self Defense Act that...

Jul 5, 20222 min read
Terrible Sayings Tuesday: Things people say that gets them in trouble. Self Defense On the Porch
Watch this weeks video to see the terrible sayings people talk about when it comes to self defense in their home. Below the video is the...

Jul 4, 20221 min read
4th of July Challenge & How the American War for Independence Actually Started . . .
Learn why the first shots of the war for Independence were really fired and we challenge you to share this knowledge! Radzwion Law, PLLC...

Jul 1, 20223 min read
Debunking Gun Control with Facts || Helping you protect the 2nd Amendment this 4th of July
In this post, we are helping you be prepared to stand up for your 2nd Amendment rights. Hello everyone my name is Joseph Radzwion IV your...

Jun 24, 20223 min read
What is Open Carry? & Why Would I Do It?
Today we look at the legal way to carry a pistol WITHOUT a carry permit. We also talk about how open carry with a permit can be used to...

Jun 9, 20223 min read
Firearm Rights Restoration || Delayed Sentences with Radzwion Law, PLLC
After being convicted of a crime, have you ever wondered if owning or carrying a firearm would be possible? What types of convictions...

Jun 3, 20222 min read
A Light on your Firearm could keep you out of Jail. Here is a Michigan case that proves it!
Today's gear check we are talking about firearm mounted lights or the use of a white light in general to keep you from going to jail....

May 20, 20223 min read
Firearm Rights Restoration || Petitioning the Court with Radzwion Law, PLLC
After being convicted of a crime, have you ever wondered if owning or carrying a firearm would be possible? What types of convictions...
Blog: Blog2
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