Having a lock box in your car is a MUST if you carry or transport a pistol.
This post we will be looking at a piece of gear that will help an individual from being charged with a civil violation and being fined up to $500.00.

Hello everyone, my name is Joseph Radzwion IV, Your Trusted Attorney with Radzwion Law, PLLC, and in today’s post we will be looking at a piece of gear that every firearm owner should have.
The Law
But first let’s look at MCL 28.430 which states that an individual has up to FIVE days to report a stolen firearm within the jurisdiction in which the individual believes it was stolen. This mean the individual is to report a stolen firearm (“personal protection device”) to the local law enforcement agency within that jurisdiction.
Now if an individual fails to report it within that five day period, a civil penalty may be imposed and a fine up to $500.00 ordered.
A common question that may be asked when does that five day period start? The five days starts when you realize that that firearm has been stolen. It's not the actual date in which the personal protection device was stolen, which would be maybe a little bit difficult to know. The five day period starts at the time that you realized the firearm has been stolen.
The Gear
The item is a lock box. Typically used for short term vehicle storage. Some boxes have combination locks, others have keys. Whatever type you have, they are inexpensive and will aid in preventing a personal protection device from being taken from your vehicle.
Lock boxes are important especially if you are running into one of Michigan concealed carry free zones such as a hospital or court. The box allows you to secure your firearm before entering into one of those concealed carry free zones. This box should help deter the type of theft where the bad guy breaks out a window in your car and is looking to stealing your gun out of the glove box.
Most of the lock boxes have some sort of foam pad on the inside where your personal protection device can be placed. They also come with a cable that should be placed around something secure such as a seat bracket or stud that is bolted to the car’s frame or floor.
The Cost
These lock boxes are typically anywhere from $35 up to $60 depending on the model you're getting. This cost is something relatively inexpensive compared to (1) replacing a stolen firearm which can cost you hundreds of dollars and (2) if you don't report that stolen firearm it may cost you up to $500 worth in a civil fines.
That is your gear check for today. I hope this post finds you well. What I'd like you to do before you go is share this article on your social media or in an email that you think would help someone stay out of trouble.
REMEMBER: Our posts should never be taken as legal advice. You should ALWAYS consult a Trusted Attorney with your legal questions.
Your Trusted Attorney
If you would like to retain Radzwion Law, PLLC as Your Trusted Attorney, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to protect you when you need it most and we will fight for your freedom!